Saturday, July 4, 2015

I have discovered a roll similar to the Chinese roll which could be fried and kept out for more than SIX (06) hours OR EVEN MORE, still maintaining the crunch with little or no absorption of oil. This does not require any EGGS or PANCAKES and could be prepared very conveniently. The bread should be trimmed discarding the burnt surfaces, sliced and left open in the refrigerator for more than a day. This way the bread dries up, and the next day should be cut up into tiny pieces to help the machine to produce lovely white breadcrumbs. Remember to use only the grinder attachment. The results are really amazing and every bite is so crunchy. Serve with homemade tomato ketchup. Left over rolls could be refrigerated but should not be re-fried as the rolls would appear white in colour due to the nature of the rice flour. The rolls should be heated in the microwave oven or on a roti griddle or non stick pan.
Rice flour white 03 tea cups
Wheat flour 01 tea cup
Corn or sunflower oil 04 tablespoons
Fresh breadcrumbs from half a loaf
Water sufficient
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
STUFFING – Fish, chicken, beef, mutton, seafood, vegetables (check previous recipes)
Sieve the rice and wheat flour thrice into a bowl, add salt to taste and pour the oil. Keep mixing well with the fingers and gradually introduce the water little by little. Knead this in to pliable dough. Dust enough wheat flour on a board and roll out thin. Cut into 4” x 4” size. Press the filling into ¾ inch PVC pipe 3 and ½ inches in length and push on to the cut out sheet (fish, chicken, beef, mutton, seafood or vegetables. Roll into neat cylindrical shapes and seal the edge with water. Dip each roll in the batter with the right hand and breadcrumb each roll with the left without touching. To avoid touching, the breadcrumbs should be kept in an aluminium or stainless steel plate and rolled forth and back with the left hand. These motions help the rolls to cling onto the breadcrumbs. Now take the breaded roll carefully and arrange on a different large plate. Repeat this process till all the rolls have been bread crumbed. The left over breadcrumbs should be stored in the deep freezer for future use. Deep fry the rolls on medium flame a few at a time to a golden brown colour. Serve with homemade tomato ketchup.
03 tablespoons of rice flour mixed with 01 tablespoon of wheat flour and water to form a semi thick batter. (NO EGG)
PLEASE NOTE: If a large quantity is being prepared it would be fun having someone to help around with the crumbing and arranging.

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