Saturday, July 25, 2015

KOTTHU ROTI – serves 06 (means chopped roti)
Flour 500 grams
Corn or sunflower oil ½ tea cup
Water 01 tea cup
Crystal salt diluted 02 teaspoons
Ginger ½ teaspoon
Garlic 02 teaspoons
Onion sliced 02 numbers
Cabbage shredded 100 grams
Carrot julienne 50 grams
Eggs 02 numbers
Kiri hodi ½ tea cup (coconut milk gravy)
Beef or boneless chicken curry six portions
Rampe and curry leaves little
Crushed pepper 01 teaspoon
Tomato cut into thick strips
Table salt to taste
Corn or sunflower oil for tempering 02 tablespoons
Sieve the flour thrice add the water, crystal salt and half the quantity of oil. Mix well and knead to a soft jelly like dough (add more water if necessary). Form the dough into required size balls and place in a bowl and pour the balance oil. After six hours stretch out each ball on Formica, stainless steel or aluminium top table. Those with experience can use both hands to stretch the roti in circular motions, resembling a handkerchief but the others can use a rolling pin. Bake the roti on an oiled griddle, keep a few one on top of each other roll tight later cut into thin strips.
Heat a large pan with the two tablespoons of oil, add the ginger, garlic, onion, curry leaves and rampe allow bit of browning. Add the eggs and cook to a dry stage now add carrot and cabbage keep stirring for a few minutes. Add the strips of roti, beef or chicken curry, kiri hodi, tomato, pepper, mix well and add salt to taste.
Beef cut into small cubes 250 grams
Soya sauce 01 tablespoon
Curry powder 02 teaspoons
Chili powder 01 teaspoon
Red onion sliced 100 grams
Ginger chopped ¼ teaspoon
Garlic chopped 01 teaspoon
Lemon grass white part chopped 01 teaspoon
Rampe and curry leaves little
Corn or sunflower oil 01 tablespoon
Tamarind paste ¼ teaspoon
Sugar pinch
Crystal salt diluted ½ teaspoon
Table salt to taste
Water ½ tea cup
Mix all the ingredients in a pan or pressure cooker and leave aside for two (02) hours. Later cook the curry to a soft but not disintegrating stage. If using the pressure cooker keep on full flame and when it starts steaming, reduce flame, place the weight and cook for fifteen (15) minutes. Remove from stove for the built up energy to do the needful. (Do not attempt to open whilst hot as it could cause an unnecessary accident).
CHICKEN CURRY follow the same method as beef curry, use boneless chicken cubes 250 grams and cook the normal way in a cast iron pan, thatchi or kadai. 
Coconut milk thick 02 tea cups coconut milk thin ¼ tea cup
Fenugreek 1/8 teaspoon
Red onion sliced 06 numbers
Green chili split 01 number (optional) 
Rampe and curry leaves little
Turmeric powder ¼ teaspoon
Lime juice a few drops
Table salt to taste
 Put the thin coconut milk into a pan with the fenugreek, onion, rampe, curry leaves and turmeric. Keep on very low fire stirring all the time. When it starts to boil add the thick coconut milk and keep stirring to avoid curdling. When the gravy has become thick remove from fire allow cooling, add lime juice and salt to taste.

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